I Was Scared Of My Woman Asking For Sex... And I Was Tired Of Giving Her Excuses Because I Didn't Want To Mess Up Again...
...Until I Tried This Erection Revival Miracle

Dear friend,

What I’m about to share with you in the next 3 minutes took me from this 

To this…

In just 32 days...

It is the single reason why all the girls I fuck nowadays run back to me, including married ones and those in serious relationships.

It is the reason why I can go non-stop whenever I want.

It is the reason why I enjoy sex and make money servicing people’s wives, too – don’t judge, there’s no job in this shithole, and women love sex more than they admit 

And no, I didn’t do it with penis pumps or pills, as most will have you believe.

I never went to the gym for any kegal exercise – I am a busy man just like you.

I never rubbed any goat shit or do all the fetish things most of the people I’ve now helped tell me they did.

I got it simply by paying attention to ‘cell regrowth programming’ for men over 28 years old – which I’ll talk about shortly.

Now, this discovery came from a place of fear and shame.

As I mentioned earlier, I also had a small whinny which held me back from meeting new women.

The few that agreed to date and fuck me never picked up my call after they saw me naked – don’t feel pity for me.

One of the girls picked up my prick and started laughing.

It was a terrible time in my life that led me to masturbation and alcohol abuse.

I mean, at 30, without getting regular pussy wetin, you bin the expect.

I masturbated so badly that no day passed without me releasing up to 5 times.

But what I didn’t know was that I was killing my testosterone levels with every ounce of alcohol I took.

Now I am in a better place…

  • I can talk to any woman I want without any fear when it is time for business.

  • I can fuck anyone I want without taking alcohol, viagra or tramadol.

  • I can get an instant erection and sustain it.

  • I can last as long as I want.

And above all, I’ve seen a steady and lasting increase in the size of my penis since I started paying attention to the regrowth model.

Now, I don’t know where you are on the spectrum.

But if I’ve learned anything as a 30-year-old man, it will be this:

A sexually unsatisfied woman will cheat on you…if you like, give her the whole money in the world

It is in their nature.

But what makes it worse is that a woman can cheat on you, bear kids for you with another man and still be with you.

Their heart is a deep ocean. 

That’s why if you want to learn how to naturally…

  • Add 3-6 inches to your penis size without any surgery.

  • Get and sustain an erection.

  • Last longer without using any sex pill.

  • Fuck anyone without shame and fear.

Then stay on this page because I’ll show you how this ‘cell regrowth’ works and why it is the best option for you if you are above 30, with the research in regenerative health backing it up.

But first…

  • This won’t work for you if you are not patient – this is no miracle pill or substance. There is nothing like that, sef.
  • This won’t work for you if the first thing you do is doubt – I have no time to beg anyone.

  • This won’t work for you if you don’t want to use fuck and wound that woman – we are not here to play.

Still here?

Who am I, and why should you even listen to me in the first place?

Hi, my name is D. or Sugar, as my numerous fuckmates call me.

I run Sex Labs – an online sex clinic where I help men naturally grow their penis size, recover their mojo and fire till they are tired.

I figured out that since I had solved my erectile dysfunction problems naturally, other people would also be interested in solving it.

And this was after I had wasted a lot of money and time on rubbish things that didn’t work.

Now, due to understanding how to trick the body into starting the regrowth process naturally, I have been able to help people like you get back to being a man again

Trust me, I know it can be hard dealing with this.

But I am proud of you.

Proud because even after everything, you are here still looking for a solution.

The world is a crazy place, and just about anyone can claim to have a solution just to get your money.

I’ve had clients who complained about it.

So I am proud that even after all this, you are still here and searching.




You are a true man, and I am happy you are on this page.

You see…

Not lasting long is not a death sentence – it is a condition that can be treated and reversed permanently with the right treatment.


I know that you want to show her that you are man enough.

I know you want to make her scream your name with her nails scratching the back of your body with each long and powerful thrust.

I know you desire to control her with each stroke.

I understand you want her to beg for you.


I know you desire to tie her body and soul to only you.

I am a man too.

So I understand perfectly how you want her to worship your ‘’thing’ with her mouth each time you meet.

I feel your anger.

Especially when you consider that you weren’t like this in the past.

I can tell you feel she might cheat if you do nothing fast – considering that women from age 28 – 40 respect and desire men who can deliver.

I know how bad it is when she no longer respects you – because satisfying them is the most important way to tie them down.


I know all this…

And that’s why I say this…

You can last longer and continually grow the size of your ‘thing’ without using these harmful things if you understand how your body works.

Let me explain…

Unlike what you have been told.

Regenerative growth is a thing.

It has been proven countless times and has also worked for many people.

This is why…

Once you reach age 25, your body cells stop growing as usual biologically…

Not that you will die or stop living…

No, however, this condition stunts the growth of vital organs in your body.

That’s why most men don’t grow above 4FT but will have children that will grow above 5FT.

You see…

To get a longer, larger, straight, or curved penis without undergoing any expensive surgery, here’s what you have to do…


Stop wishing about it and start working towards it.

And the best way to achieve this result within two weeks or less is to have your body cells regenerate or simply grow – especially where it matters…

This is very possible.

Because over the years, my team of health experts has developed the completely safe and highly effective  Sex Revival Boosting System called The Adams Erection Booster Tea

This full restoration treatment is called the Bedroom Warrior Pack also helps to promote 

Prostate health, blood flow, fertility, blood sugar regulation and even high blood pressure

And so, it doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with any of these issues…

This Booster Tea will work for you

Listen To What This Popular Doctor Has To Say About It...

Listen To What This Doctor Has To Say About It...

And Here's What Another Doctor Has To Say About It...

Listen to what this Lagos Businessman has to say as well

And it does all this thanks to these 3 active and potent ingredients:

1. Sexual Excitement (Horny Goat Weed)

This is the most powerful natural sexual herb in Africa.

An instant application of this power pack revitalizes your skin’s sensitivity to a woman’s touches and boosts your body’s ability to focus on sex.

While at the same time helping you maintain and sustain a hard-rock erection.

2. Sexual Longevity (The Ubangala Root)

If you desire to last longer than just 10 minutes during the first round, then the ‘Ubangala Root’ is what you need.

It is an active component in the ‘Bedroom Warrior Pack.’

This alone guarantees that you don’t mess yourself up when you are in there – by releasing in less than 2 minutes.

This restores blood and hormonal flow in your body and gives your body the ability to stop blood from rushing to your sensitive organs during sex.

…while increasing the pleasure for you 110%

3. Dick Enlarger (Active Proliner Weed)

Cell (penis) regeneration is a very difficult thing to achieve, especially after 25.

That’s why the proliner weed is the most important and active ingredient in this ‘formula.’

Because once it gets easily absolved by your penile skin, it quickens the rapid regrowth of the cells in the ‘big fold.’

This procedure is completely safe and poses no threat to your overall health.

In fact, the use of the ‘Bedroom Warrior Pack’ instantly guarantees you:

  • Permanent Results
  • Increased Sensitivity
  • Better and longer Sex

Don’t take my word for it.

So far, we’ve helped over 1753 Nigerian and Ghanaian men achieve bigger, longer, and stronger penis sizes that keep women longer in their houses…

Listen… there are more testimonies…

However, the point is to let you know that…

You can get the same result without ever undergoing surgery or wasting money on things that do not work.

So, if you want to…

Last longer, and drive any woman crazy with good sex.

Then you should get this permanent and active curative treatment… so you too can turn your sexual life around today without ever undergoing surgery or wasting money on things that do not work.


It is not just about being a man; it’s about the respect you get when your women feels the rod under the sheets…

And If you have ever wondered why Akwa Ibom men and women last longer than any tribe in Nigeria, this drink…

Made from one of their long-lasting sex strength secrets

Will answer your question…

Because the Adams Booster Tea will eliminate your low strength and cure your weak erection and premature ejaculation.

And It Doesn't End There... AS A Bonus.

If you act fast, right now and buy the Adams Booster Tea,

You stand a chance to get Magnum Plus Penis Oil That Helps You Get Bigger Erections and Reduce The Skin Sensitivity That Causes Quick Pouring

It works like crazy...

See What This Baba has to say about the oil

We Are Going To Send You This Infection Flusher Tea That Works to remove all erection destroyer poisons in your penis.

And It doesn't end there...
We Are Going To Send Some Bedroom Sex Booster Secret Guides To You Via WhatsApp

You see,

The reason we’re giving you these gifts is because…

It is one thing to have a big dick, it is another thing to be able to last long with it and know what to do with it.

And that’s why…

Alongside the Adams Booster Tea, the penis erection oil and the revival drink ….

I will rush you these other bedroom secret spice on Whatsapp as well to help you become the bedroom warrior that you are meant to be so you can improve your sex game)

Ultimate Restoration Protocol

In this guide that will be sent to you via whatsapp, you'll discover...

This Bedroom Booster guide is important because .. 

A lot of men don’t know what to do to make a woman addicted to them.

Even I didn’t know about them until recently.

The truth is, It’s NOT just to penetrate your woman’s pussy. 

No. There are certain things you do before you put your dick there… 

And if you do it well, she will even climax before you penetrate her.

Because, if you don’t do this… even if have the biggest dick, she will find you boring.

And you know what women hate the most? Boredom. 

That is what makes them cheat – when you are too boring and the want new adventures

And that’s why you’re also getting another guide that will;

Show You How To Drive Women Insane, So You Never Run OUT of Styles To Use when making love to your wife (or girlfriend)

And it doesn’t even end there…

Because you see..

 we are committed to your sexual wellness… and that is why… in order for you to get the confidence you desire in bed again so you can get everything you need to become a whole new healthy & strong man….

That’s why… and again, this is to make sure you get the best out of this treatment, 

I’ll also be giving you access (for FREE) to the following health restoration reports:


I know you are wondering how much you will get all this for.

You see…

I know the embarrassment you face after each low performance makes you feel terrible.

I also understand that you have wasted a lot of money on things that didn’t work.

And If we’re being honest, you are tired already.

That’s why you won’t be paying N135,000 the first people that got my product paid.


Not even the N100,000 I charge if you want to book a phone consultation

Nor N50,000.

If you take action now, you will be paying ONLY a small time investment]

Which is to help you get started immediately.

And if you divide that by a year from now… that is just N100 per day for a year…

As a man, you know you spend more than that on recharge cards, drinks and cigarettes daily.

The question is, don’t you want to be respected again?

Don’t you want to tie your woman down?

Don’t you want to make her be the one calling you instead of you begging

Don’t you to be finally free from using harmful things that might be dangerous to your health.

That’s the questions you need to answer because…

You can get the Bedroom warrior pack before we run out of stock…

Here’s what happens when you place an order now.

I’ll first call you to confirm if my product is what you need or if there’s something else you need to do…

If I discover that it is.

My assistant will confirm your order and it will be delivered to you anywhere you are in Nigeria, Ghana, and South Africa for free.

And depending on how far you are from our distributors, you may be asked to pay a small deposit to lock down your package because of the demand we have -.

Once the combo is in your hands, I’ll call to instruct you on what to do to get the power working.

And also follow up to make sure you don’t overuse it.

…which is the difference between me and the rest of the people selling anything online.

PS: Your privacy is very safe with us.


Apart from you and me, no one else knows or will know what will be sent to you.

It’ll be sealed and addressed personally to you.

So you don’t have to fear that anyone will know what you are buying.

I guarantee you that.

I can’t wait to hear that you now terrorize her in bed…

I want you to be happy.

You deserve to be.

To be a man is not a day’s job.

To your better self.

David, P.R. (CPD, UK, NG)

Health Research Expert