Renowned Lagos State Government Traditional Medicine Practitioner Who Has Been Featured On The PUNCH, The SUN & Vanguard Newspaper Reveals

A Simple Liver Trick That is Helping Thousands Of People Pee Away Excess Blood Sugar In 2024

Dear friend

Are You Tired Of The Compulsory Diabetes Medications You Take Just To Get By Every Minute of The Day…?

My name is David and in the next few minutes, you will discover 

The Real Reason Why You've Not Been Able To Get Rid Of High Blood Sugar All These Years...Even With All The Products You've Bought & Used

(And How To Go From Always Feeling Weak, Dizzy, & Scared Of Sugar Spikes... To Easily Urinating Those Excess Sugar Using A Simple Liver Trick... Starting Tonight)

PLUS, Why Depending On Those Medications Will NOT ONLY Worsen Your Case ... BUT Will Shorten Your Lifespan By 10 - 15 Years...

Mr. Bayo, Ilorin

Dr. David, thank you for sharing this information with your fellow man

My sugar problem almost cost me my life. But now, I have it under control

Mrs. Nomso, KUMASI

At first, I thought this was a scam but after following the guide for 2 weeks... I can boldly say.. there are still good people online. God bless you, David

Mr. Elijah, Lagos

I started sleeping better after taking the diabetes dissolver kit and my energy level has increased...even in the othe room

You are not going to believe this…

Contrary to what you’ve been made to believe by your doctor… and the mainstream media…

Carbohydrate is NOT your ENEMY As a Diabetic…

…and demonizing carbs or going on some stupid restrictive diet is definitely NOT the way to beat this life-sucking disease called diabetes…

Now, I know that might very well be the most shocking statement you’ve come across

But shortly, you will not only see why that is true…

You will also see a shocking carefully hidden secret your doctor doesn’t want you to know about getting rid of diabetes…

Which is the fact that 

…the ONLY WAY to permanently crush your high blood sugar is…

A Simple Liver Trick You Can Do At Home ...Starting Today That Will Help You Eat & F**k Like A Normal Human Being Again...

But before we get into all of that…

I want you to look at the picture below carefully

That’s a picture of 59-year-old Mr. Roosewelt

An American Man whose story went viral after he beat diabetes in only 11 days…

Think about that for a second…

11 days!

And your doctors told you that it is impossible to do that right?

You will see why they have been lying to you in a minute

Before that…

Let’s look at another man

A British man who also went viral after beating this sugar problem

I’m not sure how long it took this man to get his life back…

But the point here is…

He beat diabetes hands down as well..and his story also went viral….so well that the newspapers had to interview him to reveal his secret

By the way,

These case studies are just 2 out of the 100s of testimonies from people like you who got their lives back…even after their doctors said it was impossible

And the reason I show you these pictures is to let you know that…

It doesn’t matter how severe your case is…or how long you’ve been battling with it

…or if you’ve been using Glucophage, metformin, or insulin for years just to manage your condition

I don’t care what your situation is.

The truth (as you’ll come to see in a moment) is this…

Anyone can pee out type 2.

And at the end of this report, you will not only see the proof…

You will see the simple liver trick that thousands of folks around the world are using to do it right inside their home

PLUS, you would have also gotten the keys to unlock the door to a diabetic-free life

Now, what you choose to do with that key is up to you to decide…

But before we get into all of that

I have a question for you and you should think carefully before you answer me

As A Diabetic With Low Sex Drive, Heavily Dependent On Insulin Shots and Expensive and Compulsory Daily Medications Just To Get By Every Minute of The Day…

What Do You Truly Desire?

Just take 10 seconds and think about it (...and just be honest with yourself for once)

You’ll need it…

Because within the next few minutes.

I’d want you to carefully examine your life and spot the reasons why you need to quickly start making critical changes especially…

If you desire to beat diabetes and live the rest of your life in peace

But before that…

Is this your answer?

To end the excruciating morning ritual of piercing your skin for blood sugar tests?

To stop eating ‘garbage’ in the name of food?

To quickly end always having to take the same routine, bitter and large amount of drugs every morning and night?


To stop worrying about the fact that you and death already have a date and that no matter what you do, a little mistake can end your life and deny you the beauty of being with the ‘very’ people you love the most.

Can I say something to you please?

Shut up!

You are just one big liar and I don’t care if you are angry.

What you truly desire is…

To get back to being a ‘normal’ human being

A normal human being that wakes up in the morning and rushes down to the kitchen, grabs anything that reaches their mouth and throws it in there

Without worrying whether it has sugar or not.

A human being that truly wants to use viagra or tramadol to fuck the living daylight out of their partner or – an ashewo – to each their taste (am not God so I don’t judge)

A regular person that knows that apart from ‘Nigeria’  and maybe ‘Boko Haram’, they can live longer without worrying about dying out of mistake

A normal human being that does not want their children, family and friends to continue…

Wasting money, worrying about them and constantly shedding hidden tears at their back

That’s what you secretly desire.

To live again.

To become that lively, sweet, fun and loving person you were before the day they told 

The thing is…

People may not know this, but between you and I,

I know you constantly feel depressed and that you fake your smiles most of the time you are with people

Or am I lying?


The truth is this…

Being a diabetic is not the end of life, people have lived through it, even gone to achieve what they truly desired, but, then it sucks.

I mean…

Where’s the fun in knowing your life is no longer in your hands?

What’s the joy in knowing that you can’t fuck like a regular person, you can’t eat like a regular person and of course…

You have to be extremely careful with life – as what you do each day determines if you will see the weekend

But listen.

I am very proud of you.

Not for the fact that you have allowed your doctor to trick you into believing that the only way to live as a diabetic is to manage your condition.


No, I am only proud of you because…

You are a fighter.

Because, you have made your enemies wonder why you are still alive.

Because you have continued to defy death and live – everyday at a time.

I am proud of you.

But then…

I think it’s time you come to know the truth about yourself and your condition.

It may be bitter to hear, but don’t worry, my intention is to give you your life back without asking you to depend on anything forever.

I will try my best to explain this in the very words you will understand (but if I end up confusing you, then you’ll need to book a session with me and it’s not cheap)

But first…

How did you feel the very day your doctor told you had diabetes

In shock right?

Especially after they told you that your life will never remain the same, right?

That you need to be at the hospital every week and month and that you needed to keep buying medication worth over N100,000 per month

That’s normal.

They needed you to be in shock – it is very good for business.

Do you know why?

Most doctors and the big pharmaceutical companies need you to be in fear – so that they can make billions every year.

Do the maths yourself.

But then…

there is something you need to know.

And I will tell you in a moment.

But first, I want you to know… 

that your diabetic process can be halted faster with the restoration of normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Let me explain.

The diagnostic criteria for a diabetic, as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a blood sugar (glucose) level of 6.5 percent

…and higher.

What this means is,

…that if you are able to get your blood sugar level below 6.5 percent or 42 mmol/mol over a specific and discernible period of time…

while not taking any medication, it can be said you have reverse your diabetes 

What you don’t know is this,

The diabetic medications that lower your blood sugar level you consume…

only treat the symptoms and not – the cause

…more like wishing to cure malaria with typhoid drugs.


How can you exactly…even with a high blood sugar level reverse your diabetic condition without…unnecessary dieting and drugs

First, you need to know that diabetes is a problem of FAT.

Hold on, I know what you are thinking.

It is not just physical FAT as people with a body mass less than 18.5 percent can also suffer from it.

…this new understanding of FAT focuses on FAT in the liver.

And even this Popular Dr. Eric Berg, an American Doctor with over 10.9 Million Followers on YouTube alone confirmed this in his recent sensitization video

The thing is…

When there is too much liver fat due to excess calories or your inability to store fat around important organs.

the liver responds poorly to insulin by producing too much sugar

However, the problem does not stop there.

As too much liver Fat passes unto the pancreas, it causes the insulin-producing cells to fail.

…thereby leading it to produce excess sugar in the blood and resulting to:

Increased hunger

Increased thirst

Weight loss

Frequent urination

Erectile dysfunction and impotence

Blurry vision 

Sores that don’t heal

Decreased sex drive

…urinary tract infection…plus more.

Do you see the reason now?

their plan for you is to remain the same till it eventually takes your life prematurely and permanently 

So the way to beat this diabetes is NOT by demonizing carbs or going on some stupid fad diet.

The secret is to simply…

Trick your liver into removing & shedding away these deadly fat so it can become active again.

That’s it.

That’s all you need to do…

I know you may have been expecting some complex complicated solution that involves spending millions or some technology.

But you don’t need that…

To beat diabetes…

it’s that simple.

This simple liver trick is all you need to get your life back starting today…

And until you do this…

Nothing else you do will work for you, no medication will help you and your efforts will be wasted

The meds you’re currently taking will only manage the condition for you until the vital organs become completely weak and damaged,

And when that happens..

…when your body stops responding to these medications that your doctors give to you to manage high blood sugar 

…then the damages that have been silently happening in your body will begin to raise their ugly heads.

And God forbid, if something is NOT done quickly…

Then you stand the risk of amputation, blindness and sexual death or permanent impotency

Just like it happened to these people below

But it doesn’t have to get to that point…

And I thank God that today, you have come across this information…


Unlike those people who were not fortunate enough to see this secret before it was too late 

You have the key right in front of you…

You have a chance to kick this evil disease away from your family.

So, how do you trick your liver into removing these dangerous fats…?

There’s a very simple solution that will do that for you completely natural.

The best part?

It works inside your body even as you go about your daily life.

And you may not even notice it at first but it is gradually removing the fat in your liver

…and repairing your vital organs that have been damaged by diabetes… 

This simple solution is the ticket to getting your life back completely.

So far, this very simple solution has been used for over 10 years to help people just like you reverse their blood sugar level and live life like ‘regular’ people again.

This simple solution is responsible for a lot of praises and testimonies

Mrs. Asante, Accra

My family is deeply grateful to you for helping my husband.

Mrs. Jennifer, UK

Please, do you people sell outside Nigeria? Someone wants to know... Your product has been really helpful to my father. I need a response so I can let the person know

Mr. Bayo, Ilorin

Mr. David, thank you for sharing this information with your fellow man

My sugar problem almost cost me my life. But now, I have it under control

Mrs. Nomso, KUMASI

At first, I thought this was a scam but after following the guide for 2 weeks... I can boldly say.. there are still good people online. God bless you, David

Barr. Jude, Abuja

My sugar level was reading 6.9 or 7.0 for over 6 months... after 10 days of taking your dissolver kit twice daily with the guideline, my fasting sugar read 4.4

Mr. Elijah, Lagos

I started sleeping better after taking the diabetes dissolver kit and my energy level has increased...even in the othe room

Mr. Godswill, Calabar

Thank you so much for the calls and the dissolver kit that your team delivered to me. My sugar level has stabilized at 95-100 since 7 days now... This is my 28 day of the treatment. Thank you for your genuine guidance. God bless you

This simple solution works especially for those that have been declared dead cases by the same hospital and government that steals from them.

This simple solution is a completely safe and highly effective Diabetes Dissolver made by  a Licensed Practitioner of the Lagos State Government Traditional Medicine Board

That helps you take your life from diabetes.


Once in your hands and body.

It quickly helps you…

Get RID of the excess sugar in your ENTIRE system while REGULATING and AIDING the production of INSULIN to match what the BODY NEEDS to function effectively.

With full usage…

You will start seeing results as early as 5 days but the regular intake of this product for up to a month will help you:


  • Prevent the formation of NEW liver fats to weaken your healing process
  • Increase your appetite for normal food and sex
  • Reverse your diabetic status with medical proofs after 2 weeks or less
  • Help you save money by ending regular doctor visits, buying expensive routine drugs, and food.


You’ll finally end the struggle you have with worrying what you might do or not do that will trigger the terminal consequences.

You’ll have your life back and shame those who thought it is your end.

You’ll enjoy your life till its His time for you to return home 

…by which time you would have enjoyed the fruits of your labor here.

I call this simple solution… The Hormone Regulatory Tea made from 5 unique ingredients as you’ll see in a bit.

But first, who am I and why should you even take this seriously?

Like I said before…

My name is David. P. R, a Licensed Alternative Medicine Practitioner and after my health sensitization article on the PUNCH, the SUN, and other Newspaper publications that helped hundreds of men get their performance in bed up…

I discovered that 70% of the men who called my office for help were battling with diabetes which was the major reason for their low performance.

And that’s why after years of study, after, study and research as a licensed practitioner with the Lagos State Government Traditional Medicine Board and a Naturopathic Medicine Student with a foremost Research Institute in India

I decided to create the Hormone Regulatory Formula…

And the reason why people love it is because…

With my Hormone Regulatory Formula  you do not have to follow a special diet or fast. 

You don’t have to be near a doctor or pierce your skin for any reason.

…my system is simple and easy to use

In fact, you will be able to eat your favorite local delicacies again – without fearing that you will get a spike.

Just 1 teabag taken in the morning and one tea bag at night…is all it takes to increase your insulin levels and metabolism.

Now, here’s what you get when you order today

A complete, easy-to-use formula for quick Internal Diabetes Reversal.

The system includes a NAFDAC-approved specially formulated component that works in harmony with your body to achieve rapid results.

The Hormonal Regulatory tea contains special ingredients such as Tumeric, Cinnamon, Rosemary leaf, Guava and Pear leaf

So you see, this is a rich blend of healing nutrients made specially for you

And together, they are designed to loosen and remove deeply impacted toxic fatty buildup in the liver…while cleansing your entire system in a safe way that is gentle enough for everyday use.

You can be rest assured that, with this hormone regulatory tea… which by the way, also helps you lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels,

You can say good bye to blood sugar troubles for good

And That's NOT Even All...

Because for us, it is more than collecting your money and giving you some medication.

It is about ensuring you are happy that you made the decision to work with us in your health journey.

And that’s why we hold nothing back when we provide solutions

Which is why If you act fast, right now, and order today, you will also get something that most people who sell products online do not talk about

What is that?

High Blood Pressure & How It Stops Diabetics From Getting Free

You see,

Most people, including doctors make this mistake – (simply because of ignorance – and it has cost so many people their lives)

High blood pressure is twice as likely to strike a person with diabetes than a person without diabetes

And if you treat diabetes without treating high blood pressure, you are setting yourself up from greater damage and complications because 

it is this high blood pressure that actually causes the headaches, chest pain, the blurry vision and the dizziness you feel as a diabetic patient

And that’s why 

If you act fast, right now, and order for the Hormone regulatory tea

We will send you this Ultimate HBP Normalizer capsule as well

Normally, we sell it for N18,500

But because you are here, right now, reading this now

We’ll send it to you for FREE – as a Bonus to help fasten your healing process.

And to make it even spicy 

Along with the Hormone regulatory tea and the Ultimate HBP Normalizer capsule 

We’ll send you our best selling therapy guide for beating diabetes on whatsapp.

The reason why is because…

Most people will never get free from diabetes and it’s not a curse but because – while they are taking medications for diabetes, they are also doing other things that slow down their healing process

I don’t want that for you

And that’s why

I’ll educate you on what to do and what not to do inside this guide called

  1. The Do’s and Don’ts Of Beating Diabetes and Regaining Your Life Back Quickly
  2. What foods you must avoid if you truly want to live long and say goodbye to this problem
  3. The 5 categories of foods you should be eating daily that will crush your sugar and keep it under control
  4. The first thing you should do when you wake up in the morning to lower your blood sugar
  5. 3 simple 15-mins diabetes dissolver exercises that will bring back your sex drive and make you feel like a human being again
  6. A list of healthy in-between snacks you can eat when you’re hungry so you don’t spike or hinder your healing process.
  7. A simple evening recipe you can take right after your dinner… to help you heal faster
  8. Exactly what to do when you eat carbohydrates-containing foods so your sugar levels do not spike
  9. The best times to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner… if you eat later than these times, you will be in trouble.
  10. A simple tonic you can take before bed to fasten your healing process.

And finally,

5.  Exclusive VIP Call Whenever You Want Ticket – We know that left alone, it might be difficult for you to do everything on your own…

That’s why you have a hotline dedicated to you alone

Call whenever you want…we’ll answer and help you.

Isn’t that amazing?

Other people think so too.

Like these people below


Time will not permit me to keep showing you these testimonies

And even if I could

Today is not about all those people

Today is your turn

But it all begins with the first step.

Which is,

To Get Access to the Diabetes Dissolver Kit

So, How Much Will It Cost You To Get This Natural Diabetes Dissolver Today?

Before I tell you how much it will cost you to get the diabetes dissolver, 

I want to ask you another question and you should also think well before answering it

If you had the chance to meet any of these people who have lost their legs, sight and marriage to
uncontrolled diabetes;

"How much do you think they will be willing to spend to regain what they lost to diabetes?"

Think about it

What is money compared to the peace that will be restored to your body?

When you compare what you are paying to how much you will pay for a surgery worth millions of naira,

…you will realize that the cost of these supplements is on the lower side.

We both know that good health is far better than money.

And In Case You didn’t know this…

If you’re currently on diabetes medication…and you’re still experiencing blurred vision –

It means your case is getting worse and chances are, you wil eventually lose your sight except you find a way to dissolve the diabetes

If you’re experiencing tingling sensations on your feet, – God forbid, but it will progress to nerve damage and amputation

The only way out is for you to dissolve this diabetes from the root…using the diabetes dissolver

And like I said before

It doesn’t matter whether all the products you’ve bought and used in the past didn’t work for you

Just like the people you’ve seen here today 

In time, I know that we’ll receive good news from you as well

But it all begins with the first step.

Which is,

To Get your hands on the diabetes dissolver kit immediately for a small one-time investment of N38,500…

Trial Plan

Buy 2 Packs Of Hormone Tea

Get 1 HBP Capsule FREE


Starter Pack

Buy 4 Packs Of Hormone Tea

Get 2 HBP Capsule FREE


Complete Dosage

Buy 6 Packs Of Hormone Tea

Get 3 HBP Capsule FREE



You have 365 days a year to live.

And I know you spend more than N89 a day on nonsense.

What I am asking you to do now is to spend just N89 on yourself everyday for 365 days.

What I want you to do is to know that with just N89 per day you can end your struggles with the angel of death.

N89 * 365 is just N38,500.

Is that what you can’t spend to live?

To end the emotional, financial and physical stress you put yourself and your family through

It’s all on you now to decide whether buying recharge is more important to you.

Is up to you.

But to you that have decided to go ahead with me 

It’s easy to order. 

All you have to do is click on the button below and follow the easy instructions.

One more thing, 

You can’t find this unique product anywhere in the market

And you can order now or later. 

At this point…

The choice is entirely yours – I am not the one to tell you that you should live like  a normal human being.

To your best life, my friend.


David, P. R. 

Traditional Medicine Practitioner & Diabetes Researcher

(CPD – UK, TMP- Lagos State Traditional Medicine Board, NG)

  • I know you want to live again and not worry about the troubles of dying by no mistake of yours.

…and you shouldn’t.

You can live healthier and longer.

But it depends on your decision NOW – it depends on clicking this Order Now button.

PSS. No one should be made to suffer because something that can be reserved.

You should not, that’s why I am your biggest Supporter.

Read this Before You Order,

Because of the current affairs of things in the country, we have a limited number of these supplements available.

In fact, in some states at the moment, our distributors are out of stock.

Now, we have also noticed that some people order our products ...and when we spend the money to ship the products to them,
....they vanish or come up with some excuse or the other...

As a Nigerian that you are, you can imagine the loss we have to incur in these cases.

That said... If you're ordering outside of outside Lagos, Abuja, PH, Edo, Delta, Ogun, Ibadan, Anambra, Kaduna, Imo, Abia, Cross River & Akwa Ibom.

Do you think you can PLEASE pay a small commitment fee of N5,000 so your order can be regarded as TOP PRIORITY and processed exclusively and speedily???

If yes, please proceed to order below.

Mrs. Asante, Accra

My family is deeply grateful to you for helping my husband.

Will This Really Work For Me... How long will it take... And How Many Packs Do I Need To Get What I'm Looking For??

If you’re reading this, it means you probably have doubts about how well this will work for you.

Maybe you’ve bought products in the past that didn’t meet your expectations, or maybe you’re just asking in general.

I totally understand and that’s why I’ll try to answer these questions to your satisfaction.

First of all, Just as you’ve seen in the Whatsapp messages above, we have people who have come back again to buy this product after buying the firs time because of how well they enjoy it… 

We even have someone who dumped his hospital medication, We have people praying for us and We have people referring other people to come and buy from us…

That said, as much as I’d like to say good things about our supplements, The Nigerian LAW does not permit me to give any guarantees. 

Yes, NAFDAC & FDA has warned us never to make any claim or promise anything to our customers because people’s body systems are different and we can’t say how mild or severe your condition is during the period you decide to buy from us. That’s why they warned us not to give any guarantees

Secondly, The question of how many packs and How long you will take this to get results is simple…

This depends again… on how severe your case is. – 

Some people have gotten results in 3 days, some in 48 hours, some have taken 7 days… others a month. Can you see? That’s because – two people dealing with a problem can’t experience it the same way, one person might have it mild, another person moderate. One person might have been dealing with it for 10 years, and another 10 months

So you see why there’s no way I can insult your intelligence and say, * in so so number of days, this will happen? I’m not God, and even Doctors in the hospital won’t tell you that – So, how can I do that when I am not a magician?

Plus… more than the money you give me now, What I care about most is… your result and testimony, the people you refer to us and my reputation as a Licensed Practitioner. 

Because I believe happy and satisfied customers are the best marketers for any business and that’s why we do our best to give only quality supplements. When you are happy, you will send us more people – and we will make even more money – with a clean conscience.

PLUS – we still stand by our satisfaction guarantee – so, if you’re not satisfied with your purchase, call the number on your receipt and we will see how to support 

Before I go, here’s the Disclaimer that my lawyer asked me to put here on my website – as required by NAFDAC and the FDA

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here.